BackLight Productions enters the home of Emily Braden, singer and songwriter of Athens’ own, Neighbor Lady. Braden, along with Maggie and Jack Blauvelt, talk about Neighbor Lady’s birth in the Athens music scene as well as the songwriting process. The trio is introduced in a room organized with trinkets, potted plants and pet dogs. This is the set for an intimate viewing of “I Wish Nothing.” Neighbor Lady is painted in such a way that distinguishes their talent and persona. The track is soft and fluid with Braden’s airy vocals. Maggie Blauvelt drums alongside with a simple yet heralding beat. In the background, Jack Blauvelt rounds out the sound with twinkling piano melodies.
This is only the first of many collaborations with BackLight Productions. BackLight Productions presents a keyhole perspective into the home of various artists from Athens, Georgia.
Nikki grew up in an imitation German town in Georgia by the name of Helen. It wasn’t until middle school that she started to get interested in the arts: painting, music, and writing. She wrote in her diary, sketched in art class and listened to regretful music. By high school, her tastes became a little more refined. She found Fiona Apple, Lou Reed and Giant Drag, and they remain her favorites in college. She was accepted to the University of Georgia in 2012 and is currently majoring in English. Upon moving to Athens from a town with more trees than people, Nikki was a bit overwhelmed. However, there is certainly no lack of inspiration in Athens, and she appreciates its love for the arts and its service as a platform.